Many have said that we do not live in an actual democracy.
Freedom of speech is exchanged for
(politically correct) interpretations
Freedom of the press just allows sensationalism prevail.
Moving on:
there are some media outlets that try to break both stigmas,
Democracy Now! is one of my favorites.
The Jan. 14th episode hosted:
Gloria Steinem (New Yorker/Ms. Magazine)
Melissa Harris Lacewell (Professor @ Princeston/Author).
The topic of this episode paralleled the feminist and racial struggles in this country. Lacewell owned this debate and forced Steinem to chase after her in order to vindicate her claims written in a past article. A link to the radio show is provided beneath. Please listen to the whole show, especially between Lacewell and Steinem.
Melissa Harris Lacewell provided insight to the racial strugglesthat were not yet thoughtof and acknowleged in this country and I respect her ever so much for doing so.
a sample:
"I just feel that we have got to get clear about the fact that race and gender are not these clear dichotomies in which, you know, you’re a woman or you’re black. I’m sitting here in my black womanhood body, knowing that it is more complicated than that. African American men have been complicit in the oppression of African American women. White women have been complicit in the oppression of black men and black women. Those things are true. And so, to pretend that we can somehow take them out of the conversation when a white woman runs against a black man, when she tears up at being sort of beat up by him, when her husband can come in and rally around her and suggest that we need to sort of support her because she’s having difficulties, while Barack Obama is getting death threats, basically lynching threats on him and his family, these are—for a second-wave feminist with an understanding of the complexity of American race and gender to take this kind of position in the New York Times struck me as, again, the very worst of what that feminism can offer—in other words, division. "
-Melissa Harris Lacewell
Link to the show:
Link to Democracy Now!: