in case you missed it, Focus the Nation was a nation wide teach in spreading the word about Global Climate Change. It was hosted in over 1,500 school campus' around the country on January 30 and was a 2 day event at SFSU lasting until the 31st. SF State primarily focussed on Social Justice Issues with Speaker Van Jones bringing down the house. Jones is an Environmental Justice spokes person who was the catalyst for the Etta Baker Center in the East Bay and the Green For All foundation just launched; both striving to simutaneously help the environment and people in poverty.
"A new, multi-billion dollar economic sector is emerging, bringing new opportunities in green construction, clean technology, urban agriculture and energy. Our goal: ensure that this green economy is strong enough to lift people out of poverty."
When asked at Focus the Nation how Green-Collar Jobs will help end the War in Iraq or end global climate change Jones responded-- that we all think too big and need to focus on the 'little' things we can do now that will ultimately have larger outcomes in the future. Green Collared jobs is one of those steps. Using less energy will have paralleled outcomes in the future--> influencing overall energy consumption (which current levels of consumption is fueling our presence in Iraq and rate of global).
Some of the images above are of an display representing the carbon emissions released by varying vehicles. *please note the carbon emissions of the bicycle*
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