Wall * E isn't the first children's film to appeal to adults, but how about the first children's film to appeal to a nation?
This film is about a broke-down robot, Wall*E, who roams around the Earth of the future. . . which looks like, is dear I say it: Mars! So much garbage had been created by glutenous and overt consumption that all of natural live died on Earth forcing humanity to flee.
Living on a Death-Star-like ship in the universe, earth's displaced community (I'm assuming like 20 billion or so) fly around on these floaty chairs and are hella FAT!! Their hands and feet have little stubs for fingers and toes, because the people never vacate their chairs. They also have these computer screens 3 inches from their face which prevents them from acknowledging the world around them.... sound familiar?
This movie was chock-full of passive messages
1) America consumes too much
2) Earth will be covered with (OUR) garbage.
3) People are getting fat from sitting on our asses and watching TV.
4) because of TV, we ware unaware of whats happening around us.
On top of that, where was the advertising for this movie? Maybe because it had so many strong messages about our culture (over consumption, over polluting, over eating, fatfatfatwastefullfatties) it was pressured by the US government to not disclose the actual story line of the film.
Damn, and this movie is rated G, that's some heavy shit for a 5 year old!
1 comment:
Rabbit-kun garbage bag + friends Linky Linky !
-Olive Juice
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