What are the qualifications these days to be president? Likablity?
Are you freaking kidding me... George W. Bush started this bizarre campaign that charisma can win the trust and the votes. The VP debate tonight didn't have fireworks or cat fights, it was just....(ending in true Palin fashion). Its hard to compare these two, because its just not right that Palin is even considered. Bitch is crazy, and stupid.
Palin: 1) she stood her ground when Obama gave these oil tycoons tax breaks, but she advocates that the USA needs to be energy-independent? WHAT??!?!?!?!?!
(rolling eyes in disgust and rage)
2) She often mentioned that tax breaks generate jobs. Bush has been cutting taxes for 8 years, and look at our economy now. Its dead. Isn't paying taxes supposed to be American?? All these freakin tax breaks are why theres no money to pay for anything!!
I wish democrats would rise to the occasion and just say what needs to be said::
-Bush fucked up, and now our country and future is fucked and broke
-McCain is the same party as Bush.
-Palin is psycho and has no right to be anywhere near public office let alone capitol hill.
-Palin thinks that people and DINOSAURs co-existed (seriously.. thats just sad)
-Taxes AREN"T cruel, they're necessary
i don't know. there's so much more i want to say. the only solution is that i enter politics to bring that pool to an equilibrium, there's enough crazy on capitol hill-- they need some diva. !
This is a segment of the INFAMOUS Katie Couric interview. Palin on foreign policy.
One of Biden't finer moments in the VP debate tonight (2 october 2008):
Question: What are the causes of climate change? Palin responds, "I don't want to argue about the causes" ... whats the point of a debate if the participants don't respond??
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