Wanna love a bad boy? Chase a rapper. Want a boy you can take home to mom? 'Til Sunday, that was Chris Brown.
-Toure, The Daily Beast.
The Past
What was, is now lost forever. I used to have a middle school, harmless yet explicit crush on Chris Brown. His music was cheezy, and I loved it. He had one of the most entertaining episodes and party of My Super Sweet 16. Chris Brown shut it down at the 2007 MTV VMA's and earned the respect of music juggernauts and solidified his position as a Pop-Prince and my hollywood-hottie.
But now, *sigh*, all is lost. All credit has been stricken, and angelic image forever tarnished.
The Present
Sunday morning, 1230am-sih, a warrent was issued for the arrest of Chris Brown, on domestic violence charges. Brown and Rihanna both pull out of the Grammy's in which they were both nomiated and scheduled to perform. At first, RiRi wasn't named as his victim, but other news outlets later outed her, she also quickly named Brown the assulter. Concern and gossip has since ensued.
The Reality
Chris Breezy and Rihanna both have reputations to protect: Brown as a pop music angel, and Rihanna as a pop-princess. However, pop princesses in today's world are independent women, not victims and R&B singers swoon about happy images, not battery. Before she was outted, RiRi named Chris right away as her assulter, and has been cooperating with police in builidng a case against him. Since accusations, Brown has turned himself into police, been charged, and released on $50k bail.
His Double Mint commercial has been suspended and his Got Milk ad, terminated. A Pittsburgh radio station stopped playing all Chris Brown tracks after fans continuously called in claiming that by spinning Browns tracks, they also support his behavior. Kanye came out to say that he doesn't believe any woman should be subjected to domestic violence, regardless of their social status, and I'm just waiting for Jay-Z's reaction. T.I. has come out in defense of Chris, saying that no one is perfect and that Chris is currently "chill." (PUH-LEESE) I don't think TI helped Chris Browns image by saying that, he should have kept his mouth shut.
I personally am in disbelief, but until some resolution is had, I am suspending my fan-hood of this alleged assaulter. Lo Siento, seriously.
What was a budding acting and singing career has now been paused due to an action from a man who was raised in a household with severe domestic violence.
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