In case some of you missed it, Jon Stewart ripped this dude a new financial asshole on The Daily Show.
On Thursday, March 12, Jon Stewart did what any decent 'news' corespondent SHOULD do, and that is, hold those suspect or red-handed accountable. Jim Cramer is the host for CNBC's "Mad Money". I've never seen his show, but supposedly he gives viewers tips on how to invest their money and also interviews the [PAST] head honchos of the financial world, such as the CEO's for Bear Sterns and Merrill Lynch (I hope those names ring a bell).
Stewart was trying to explain to Cramer how significant his influence is in the US financial scene, and even accusing him of being apart of its meltdown. I am not well versed on financial jargon, but I did cringe every time Cramer called the illegal and unethical actions of Wall Street "Shinannigans". It brought me back to the Bush days, when childish language was assumed as the only way to communicate to the America public, but instead, it was condescending and transparent. (I hate you BUSH). There is nothing more offensive than being talked down to.
At one point, Stewart asked Cramer why he was giving such poor advice. Cramer responded that he was only providing what his audience wanted, and that there was a market for his financial 'entertainment' show. There's nothing funny about me and my money, that's for sure. Stewart took the go ahead, and quickly returned with "well there is also a market for cocaine and hookers."
The way Stewart cornered Cramer with vintage video clips of, Cramer, reminded me of the interviewing antic's of the late Tim Russert. The best way to get people to tell the truth is when you force them to swallow their own curdled words.
At the end of the interview, Cramer tried to redeem himself by saying he voted for Obama, oy vey.
Watch the interview HERE. Its broken up into parts, if you can, I recommend watching all three.
you are right, it did remind me of tim rusert. i think john should be one of the moderators at a debate during the next go round
you are right, it did remind me of tim rusert. i think john should be one of the moderators at a debate during the next go round
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