28 April 2009
Tie Dye Kick (to the ego)

Soooo, Nike just came out with these tie dye kicks, but I think some credit should be given to HUF, and SF for that matter, for coming up with the concept. If for nothing else, for acknowledging where the tie dye movement originated from. I mean, if it wasn't for HUF, who else would have thought about merging Hippie with Hipster? Please..
HUF Tie Dye kicks, released 2004.

27 April 2009
25 April 2009
After the Jumpp
Bike to School Day '09 was poppin y'all. I know that some of you couldn't make it out -- so I will provide some pictures in the next couple days. Holler.
Minor Sneaker Fetish.
This project is crazyyy! It uses the images of 100 classic sneaker models to produce a pixelated version of you! The pixels are used to create a mirror image of the model in front of it. I need one of these for my room.
Sneaker Mirror from Jesse Chorng on Vimeo.
Sneaker Mirror from Jesse Chorng on Vimeo.
21 April 2009
Bike to School Day.

For the love of god. I'm tired, but please, I hope you enjoy the fruits of my blood, sweat, and tears! And might I say, tis the season for gratifying fruits - free foods, entertainment, gifts? Have I ever been this nice to you?? Probably (not), depending who you are. Either way, Bike to School Day at SFSU has ruled my life for the past few months, and this shit is about to be on and poppin, so if you are in the SF Bay Area, you need to be there. I'll be getting to campus at 6am, so if none else, just go to hang out with me. I'm making a playlist as we speak.
Melissa <3
Trunk BoiZ will be there, where you at?
My WorkWeek.

With that, in a recent Line Cook post, he took note of one of his 'server' colleagues graphs. As time passes, insults begin to loose significance, validity, power. As time passes the server develops a thick skin for the night. As time passes, the server just doesn't give a shit but getting the fuck out of there. I'm pretty sure this lends to all wait staff, kitchen included. Enjoy your next meal.
18 April 2009
The Peoples Market.
My Geography 427, Food and Agriculture, professor took us to what he dubbed the "Peoples Market", aka, the Alemenay Farmers Market. I have to admit, it had been a while. He introduced us to a family of farmers who have been selling at the market since its debut in 1943. He pointed out the women who farms flowers, whom he shared a special connection with - they were both diagnosed with cancer four years ago, and have both successfully defeated it.
I carpooled with two of my classmates, and we arrived about thirty minutes before asked, 7:30am. Mad dedication on a Saturday morning. We roamed, purchased, tasted the offerings around. There were bakeries, pupusa and tamale stands, and even a Filipino food truck. My girl Sara and I befriended two farmers who invited us back to their farm, in Fresno.
Next up, Professor Hans will take us on a two day trip visiting farms throughout Northern California. I will also hook it up with some better dining tips for us city dwellers. Holler to the max!
SFMOMA didn't get the memo
...that we're in a recession!

Moma is planning an expansion! The museum will be adding 50,000 square feet to its current hub, to accommodate its growing collection. It will be nestled on Natoma street with another entrance on Minna. This expansion will complement the Transbay Terminal when it opens, but not until the 20-teens. Also, Blue Bottle Coffee plans to open a kiosk on the roof top. No matter what, the SFMOMA is a centerpiece for the emerging SOMA district of SF.
Moma is planning an expansion! The museum will be adding 50,000 square feet to its current hub, to accommodate its growing collection. It will be nestled on Natoma street with another entrance on Minna. This expansion will complement the Transbay Terminal when it opens, but not until the 20-teens. Also, Blue Bottle Coffee plans to open a kiosk on the roof top. No matter what, the SFMOMA is a centerpiece for the emerging SOMA district of SF.
17 April 2009
Le DogPatch.

This is an example of extreme forclosure. This open lot in the 'Dog Patch' hood in SF, is just begging to become an urban garden. Begging.
Thank you Ess Eff.
16 April 2009
East Coast, West Coast.

Whats up with Huf? Did they get a new designer or something, because they're color pallet is all outta wack. In the battle between the Manhattan sneaker store Daves Quality Meats (DQM) and SF's own, HUF, the battle easily goes to DQM. I'm a sucker for chunky fonts and flashy colors.
Sneak Attack!!
So many people have been jockin Rihanna's style lately. While she has some cute days and some over worked days, she's always rockin the accessories. If I wore heals, I would rock the pairs that she chooses. However, if she wore sneakers, I have a feeling she'd chose the kicks below.


15 April 2009
What can I say -- homegirl is makin' moves.

From left to right:
Burrito Justice, Mission Mission x3, Plug2, StreetsBlog.
I watched the third guy on the left scarf down fried chicken in 15 seconds.

From L to R:
Burrito Justice, Mission Local, What I'm Seeing, Streets Blog
I have recently become a Young Urbanist. What that means is I purchased a membership with the local think tank SPUR (SF Planning and Urban Research). I know I was already a young urbanist before the membership card, but now I can attend SPUR events with a printed name tag - very legit. This group has been around since the 1950's, and is an institution here in SF in regards to urban environment and land use policy. With that, I attended one of their Young Urbanist panels last night about Blogging in SF.
This meeting was like the who's who of SF blogging; a culture I was unaware I am so involved with. With the explosion of Twitter in the recent weeks I have begun to notice how much I am apart of this blogging culture - I tweet, I read, I blog, I tweet again. However, unlike most of America, I started doing these activities organically, from word of mouth or mistaken fortune, but not because I saw it on GMA.
I sat in the audience and listened to the blogger round table, and if the bloggernauts (like juggernauts?) weren't on the panel, they were hidden in the audience. These people represented blogs that I read on the daily, specifically:
Burrito Justice
SF Streets Blog
What I'm Seeing Dot Com
In the audience, blogger's included:
Mission Mission
Hack Your City
Bikes and the City
Muni Diaries
This discussion was more than blogging in the city, it strayed into topics about gender and the future of blogging, even proposing to rename the activity. Burrito Justice, known as Johnny0, was the moderator and asked the panelists how blogging has effected public policy. My initial reaction was 'it doesn't,' but the discussion began to address how blogging mobilizes individuals, and more so, how it can help vocalize or identify a point of view. Plug1, of What I'm Seeing, stated that blogging causes people to be aware of opinions they didn't know they had at the time. The American Apparel results were addressed often in this discussion, when local mission blogs began reporting on American Apparel's attempt to move shop into the neighborhood -- and through blogging, and thus mobilization, that was stopped. The panelists even noted how they blogs began to depend on eachother for information, dubbed: co-blogging.
The debate arose over the name, Blog. Most people think its a silly name and that it takes away from the significance of the reporting being done. Should there be a difference between blogs and news sites? Brian of Streetsblog noted that for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, over 124 blogger's were awarded Press Passes. So it should be dubbed a news site? Brian continued saying that blogs are now the innovators of news, the leaders, and they determine the path of certain stories. Where local television used to follow the lead of newspapers, now they follow stories being reported on blogs. Brian used to work for KCBS (CBS channel 5, SF) for eight years. As noted by an audience member, also a member of SPUR, mainstream media reports is "Top Down" news, where as Blogs are "Bottom Up". But then you have Burrito Justice, which started as a place to voice one man's infatuation with the offerings of his favorite Taco Truck, among all the other culinary offerings in the Mission.
The concern of over saturation arose. Plug1 noted that blogs will engage in a natural selection of sorts, and that the strongest sites will survive. Another audience member mentioned that 'niche blogs' will be the ones that weather the saturation storm. Niche blogs are sites that have a specific agenda, reporting on neighborhoods, or specific sports teams. This can be seen with sites like, Mission Mission, which reports on street art and local happenings in the Mission. Burrito Justice is also a Mission blog, but started as one man's fascination with a taco truck, and taco truck discrimination.
I would like to add in that twitter was name dropped twelve times, 4Barrel and Ritual coffee spots were also mentioned, sans Bl.Bottle (hehe). Turning Valencia street into a park was proposed, diva-diners were dubbed "Noutritionista's", and the concern for the lack of a female presence on the panel was also pointed out. Hmmmm, sounds like the perfect entrance for Eco-Royalty.net. :)

From left to right:
Burrito Justice, Mission Mission x3, Plug2, StreetsBlog.
I watched the third guy on the left scarf down fried chicken in 15 seconds.

From L to R:
Burrito Justice, Mission Local, What I'm Seeing, Streets Blog
I have recently become a Young Urbanist. What that means is I purchased a membership with the local think tank SPUR (SF Planning and Urban Research). I know I was already a young urbanist before the membership card, but now I can attend SPUR events with a printed name tag - very legit. This group has been around since the 1950's, and is an institution here in SF in regards to urban environment and land use policy. With that, I attended one of their Young Urbanist panels last night about Blogging in SF.
This meeting was like the who's who of SF blogging; a culture I was unaware I am so involved with. With the explosion of Twitter in the recent weeks I have begun to notice how much I am apart of this blogging culture - I tweet, I read, I blog, I tweet again. However, unlike most of America, I started doing these activities organically, from word of mouth or mistaken fortune, but not because I saw it on GMA.
I sat in the audience and listened to the blogger round table, and if the bloggernauts (like juggernauts?) weren't on the panel, they were hidden in the audience. These people represented blogs that I read on the daily, specifically:
Burrito Justice
SF Streets Blog
What I'm Seeing Dot Com
In the audience, blogger's included:
Mission Mission
Hack Your City
Bikes and the City
Muni Diaries
This discussion was more than blogging in the city, it strayed into topics about gender and the future of blogging, even proposing to rename the activity. Burrito Justice, known as Johnny0, was the moderator and asked the panelists how blogging has effected public policy. My initial reaction was 'it doesn't,' but the discussion began to address how blogging mobilizes individuals, and more so, how it can help vocalize or identify a point of view. Plug1, of What I'm Seeing, stated that blogging causes people to be aware of opinions they didn't know they had at the time. The American Apparel results were addressed often in this discussion, when local mission blogs began reporting on American Apparel's attempt to move shop into the neighborhood -- and through blogging, and thus mobilization, that was stopped. The panelists even noted how they blogs began to depend on eachother for information, dubbed: co-blogging.
The debate arose over the name, Blog. Most people think its a silly name and that it takes away from the significance of the reporting being done. Should there be a difference between blogs and news sites? Brian of Streetsblog noted that for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, over 124 blogger's were awarded Press Passes. So it should be dubbed a news site? Brian continued saying that blogs are now the innovators of news, the leaders, and they determine the path of certain stories. Where local television used to follow the lead of newspapers, now they follow stories being reported on blogs. Brian used to work for KCBS (CBS channel 5, SF) for eight years. As noted by an audience member, also a member of SPUR, mainstream media reports is "Top Down" news, where as Blogs are "Bottom Up". But then you have Burrito Justice, which started as a place to voice one man's infatuation with the offerings of his favorite Taco Truck, among all the other culinary offerings in the Mission.
The concern of over saturation arose. Plug1 noted that blogs will engage in a natural selection of sorts, and that the strongest sites will survive. Another audience member mentioned that 'niche blogs' will be the ones that weather the saturation storm. Niche blogs are sites that have a specific agenda, reporting on neighborhoods, or specific sports teams. This can be seen with sites like, Mission Mission, which reports on street art and local happenings in the Mission. Burrito Justice is also a Mission blog, but started as one man's fascination with a taco truck, and taco truck discrimination.
I would like to add in that twitter was name dropped twelve times, 4Barrel and Ritual coffee spots were also mentioned, sans Bl.Bottle (hehe). Turning Valencia street into a park was proposed, diva-diners were dubbed "Noutritionista's", and the concern for the lack of a female presence on the panel was also pointed out. Hmmmm, sounds like the perfect entrance for Eco-Royalty.net. :)
Trim that Frisee
This British commercial is classic. My boss refers to frisee, the chicory often used in salads, as natures pubic hair -- killing any one's enjoyment of that lettuce. Thanks Jess.
14 April 2009

just about to go to a meeting about blogging in san francisco et al. i'll holler at y'all with the details. speakers include some of my favorite bloggers, sharing tid bits about my favorite topics: pop culture, food, and mass transit.
13 April 2009
The Bay vs. LA

The "SF Native" sneaker store Huf has grown, shrunk, and then grown again. Upon having four store fronts in its hometown of SF, it then downsized to two store fronts, but expanded to include three - with one in LA. That brings me to their newest project: hats. Perfect timing with baseball season. Does this mean the end of the Dodger's Giants rivalry? Hardly.
Yikes to the max.
My computer is in the Macbook hospital y'all, so my posting might be a bit staggered until I can figure out how much of my baby is salvaged. Wish me luck!
09 April 2009
I declare I don't care no more.

Time: Tuesday April 7, 2009. 11pm.
Danngggg. It's last Tuesday night, homegirl gets off work and my co-(t)worker and I run into our diva spot for a drink. Whats that? WHAT? Green Day was apparently playing at the Independent at that moment. Then I had a moment. I was a bit bummed that I didn't know about it, considering tickets were only $20. I found comfort in the fact that if KMEL didn't announce it, then I probably wouldn't have heard about it in the first place.
Its not that I love Green Day, but I have to say that my first show was a Green Day mega-concert [ Shout out to StripperWithAHeartofGold ]. With that, I will always have a soft spot for the mainstream punk band that hailed from Berkeley. Even further, to watch any band/performer is just that much sweeter when its in an intimate setting.
Plus, word on the street is that Green Day is apparently going to turn their album American Idiot into a play! Details later, but the play will star the band, host their album as the plot and sound track, and will be shown at The Berkeley Rep.
So its Tuesday night. I'm sitting half a block away from the sold out show that ended up lasting two hours, and I left holding my head high, even though my heart had sunk, just a bit.
08 April 2009
This is my friend.
He has traded a dope skating career to study science and geography with me!
07 April 2009
Oh, I think I like this..
The diva shoe label Christian Louboutin is now catering to me. A shoe company that normally makes heals, beautiful heals, is now making a sneaker - and its pretty diva. I have no idea how much they are, but considering some of their heals are selling for 1,200$ I'm gonna say that they're a little out of my price range. It is like the Vans dopple ganger, but diva.

06 April 2009
The Bicycle Advocacy Group Presents....
Bike to $chool Day.
Which conveniently lands on Earth Day - April 22, 2009. Please plan accordingly. Holler-
Which conveniently lands on Earth Day - April 22, 2009. Please plan accordingly. Holler-

Poke Her Face
The Kanye-Krew has remixed the LadyGaga song Poker Face... dubbed "Poke Her Face"
here is the original:
here is the original:
04 April 2009
Sneak Attack!!
Here is an update one my loves, fly kicks.
I guess there is a sneaker blog called Skull and Bones hailing from Hong Kong, and the dude is on a tour in North America. He stopped by HUF on Sutter to try and uncover any secrets about their upcoming projects. The interview was hella awkward. Besides the fact that the Skull and Bones dude literally sneak attached the interview, his inflated ego and ESL status acted as a shield from the snide HUF comments and actions.
Also, HUF is supposed to be opening a store in Yapan. Holler-
I guess there is a sneaker blog called Skull and Bones hailing from Hong Kong, and the dude is on a tour in North America. He stopped by HUF on Sutter to try and uncover any secrets about their upcoming projects. The interview was hella awkward. Besides the fact that the Skull and Bones dude literally sneak attached the interview, his inflated ego and ESL status acted as a shield from the snide HUF comments and actions.
Also, HUF is supposed to be opening a store in Yapan. Holler-
03 April 2009
Air YeeeeeeZY!
Maybe he should stick to designing ACTUAL sneakers, instead of doing the designer -ish. This is because LV's are over rated and over priced. Let us consider that those who really care about sneakers and/or Kanye, are most likely not going to drop the dough on some bunk boat shoes with a pink sole and an LV logo. Nope, not me!
Here is the Air Yeezy; a chunky and over designed kick for Nike, by the LV Don. But the glow in the dark sole is pretty fly.

Also, this dude. Levi Maestro has a blog on HYPEBEAST, and is hosting his own mini-show about his life, which in LA, consists of him going to In-N-Out and driving in his car, often times him eating In-N-Out in his car. Anyways, in this episode homeboy comes across some some Air Yeezy's and tests to see if they make him a better B-Ball player. What this show really validates, is that white boys can't jump. Just think of it as eye-candy on my part (minus the DJ).
Maestro Knows - Episode 1 (Nike Air Yeezy) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.
Here is the Air Yeezy; a chunky and over designed kick for Nike, by the LV Don. But the glow in the dark sole is pretty fly.

Also, this dude. Levi Maestro has a blog on HYPEBEAST, and is hosting his own mini-show about his life, which in LA, consists of him going to In-N-Out and driving in his car, often times him eating In-N-Out in his car. Anyways, in this episode homeboy comes across some some Air Yeezy's and tests to see if they make him a better B-Ball player. What this show really validates, is that white boys can't jump. Just think of it as eye-candy on my part (minus the DJ).
Maestro Knows - Episode 1 (Nike Air Yeezy) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.
02 April 2009
Lil Wayne is a Hipster.
What else explains the tattoos, top hat and lip stud combination plate? The rest of the pic's can be seen in the latest edition of Rolling Stone Mag.

The Queen.
Have to admit, this picture is hilarious. Not only are the Obama's dressed in black, which is a stark contrast to the baby pink and silver foxxette quaf, but they tower over the Easter Egg of England.
01 April 2009
Southern Rap on Discount
Source: Giant Magazine!!!!
Some major retailers have decided to price RAP music according to lyrical content. That is, while the Northeast and Western artists will remain at a market price, Southern rap specifically will be sold for $1.
This is because these specific retailers believe that there is no lyrical merit to the music that hails from this region. The catalyst being left over LP's after one-hit wonders loose their steam, and record sales plummet. Midwest artists will be priced on a case by case basis.
Everyone say: NO RESPECT!!!!!
Aritsts include:
Some major retailers have decided to price RAP music according to lyrical content. That is, while the Northeast and Western artists will remain at a market price, Southern rap specifically will be sold for $1.
This is because these specific retailers believe that there is no lyrical merit to the music that hails from this region. The catalyst being left over LP's after one-hit wonders loose their steam, and record sales plummet. Midwest artists will be priced on a case by case basis.
Everyone say: NO RESPECT!!!!!
Aritsts include:
Andre 3000
Three Six Mafia
Lil Wayne
Supermarket Sweep.
AKA, MellyG's dream honeymoon.
This is apparently the first episode, premiering in 1990.
Contestants include:
Group 1: Newly wed couple that is apparently barren.
Group 2: The first gay couple on TV! One guy is a 'musician' which means he is unemployed, and the other guy runs a customer service organization for a computer company.... wait, what? Its 1990, this guy must have started Apple or something!!
Group 3: Two Breezies who met at See's Candies. I do love that smiley face sweater. Holler for '90s fashion!!
And the best part, THE BIG SWEEP!!!
This is apparently the first episode, premiering in 1990.
Contestants include:
Group 1: Newly wed couple that is apparently barren.
Group 2: The first gay couple on TV! One guy is a 'musician' which means he is unemployed, and the other guy runs a customer service organization for a computer company.... wait, what? Its 1990, this guy must have started Apple or something!!
Group 3: Two Breezies who met at See's Candies. I do love that smiley face sweater. Holler for '90s fashion!!
And the best part, THE BIG SWEEP!!!
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