If you all don't already know MG(:P) ran for SF Mayor in 2003 and narrowly lost to Gavin Newsom. If he had won, he would have had held the highest office for a Green Party member, something that sent the Democrats scrambling to fix. Lets take it back to 2003: Bill Clinton was hustled to campaign for Newsom- thats how scared the Dems were of losing this race and thats how scattered the Dems were, but look at them now and look at MG now! Gonzalez said screw running for mayoral race in 2007 and is turning to the presidency for '08! It makes sense that the most progressive SF Supervisor is running with the most 'progressive' political party. I really REALLY want to hate Nader, but this is big.
I'm still voting for Obama, but it would be nice if he was a (LOT) more progressive. Ideally he would run with a crazy left-wing for VP, but hey, how much can the Black man do! Seriously. If he was as radical as Nader and Gonzalez he wouldn't even be considered, he actually would be considered an extremest, not unlike Nader, in which his popularity would be drastically smaller. He's already having to be ultra neutral to take away from that whole brown skin thing.
A radically progressive black man running for president? hahahahahah. Maybe in 2012. :)
I hate baby steps, but Obama is better than no Obama.