And it comes to this. If anyone didn't hear Obama speak last Tuesday, than you should press play as soon as possible. Do it.
With that being said, Obama's 'race' speech was very ponient. He addressed the racism that still lingers in this country; his giving such a speech is evidence of this. The racial tension in this country is passive yet still prevalent. The speech was motivated by Obama's former preacher Jeremiah Wright's sermon that accused the US of being responsible for 9-11 and racist. If you want to analyze this on your own be my guest. All I can say is that Wright is not the first to make such assertions and if anyone had a problem hearing it from him, it is simply because he is a black man and is associated with Senator Obama.
Many people were just taken aback by Wrights enthusiasm when preaching, but people: he was PREACHING. Put on channel 2 on Sunday morning and you can see a white man doing the same. I'm not saying that people are intentionally trying to be racist, but there is definitely a double standard here. Whore, slut, player, pimp, racist, aggressive, passionate, mainstream; its all the same. What Wright was saying was not out of this world. He stated we live in a world ruled by white men. He stated that 9-11 was our fault. He stated how Hillary will never have to fear being called a n*gger. Whats so crazy about these statements? We are currently in a country in which we have NO place being, fighting a battle in which we had no place starting.
Over 1 million Iraqi's have been killed, with no estimate of the amount injured. The war has cost over $3 TRILLION while CA is in a budget crisis, school budgets are getting cut, teachers laid off, gas prices are going up, and environments are depleting. Why not blame all of this on Reverend Wright, that $ounds easier.
Aside from this controversy and Wrights statements, no one even acknowledged how much church and state were mixed. Aren't they supposed to be isolated from one another? In which case, what does it matter how Obama and Wright know each other. Why am I not considered in this debate? Or those who do not identify with a religion? Why should we tolerate listening to a presidential candidate discuss how they found god etc. This country if fucked up, double standards should not be the rule of the land. It simply exposes the sloppy nature of American rule book.
Ultimately, Barack Obama's speech was profound, poetic, and acknowledged everyone. He touched on racism of his White Grandmother, discrimination between the classes, and how these realities contradict the ideals of the American constitution. This speech was an eloquent way to spin a negative into a positive and was a true example of intellect in the media, another trait we don't often see.
I'm exhausted with the contradictions in politics of this country and am ready for a change. Maybe in six month's Barack Obama won't need to be spell checked.
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