Most Surprising Career Comeback Diva: Katie Couric's career
Biggest Comeback Diva: Britney
Best Surprise Diva: Gay Li-LoBiggest Comeback Diva: Britney
Biggest HOT MESS Diva: Amy Winehouse
Jailbait Diva: Mylie Cyrus
Like a Nail in your side, Diva: Joe _______.
Diva without a Cause: Sara Palin
Diva that finally made it: Rihanna
Biggest Diva in Charge: $4/Gallon Gas.
CNN Diva: Rachel Maddow
Most Proud Diva Moment: Waiting 45 minutes to vote
Best Diva Move by a Car Company: GM, Killin the SUV.

Reality TV Diva's: Crying break dancers on America's Best Dance Crew.
Most Entertaining Diva's: The Real Housewives of ATL
Best Diva Party: Gloria and Raul's Wedding.
Sloppiest Diva-Train: VH1 Reality Stars: Rock of Love Charm School, I Love Money - just all of them.
Best Diva Catch Phrase: Handle it!
Poppin Diva Gathering: Obama's Victory in Chicago
Poppin Diva Gathering II: Any/All Presidential Debates.
Most Awkward Diva Performance: WHenever John McCain would open his trap.
Most Aggressive Campaign Diva: Hillary Clinton
Diva's favorite movie:The Wackness
Diva that everyone wants to work for: Barack
Historical Diva Moment: Election Night, 2008. Sweet Victory.
Historical Diva Moment II: Opening Ceremony for the Beijing Olympics
Historical Diva Moment III: Obama's Speech on Race
Most Anticipated Diva of 2009: The Obama Trio: Sasha, Malia, and Michelle.
Biggest Diva of 2008: The Economy.