29 January 2008

Facebook--> friend or foe?

FACEBOOK is out to get you!
Some quick facts you should know about the new media monster
  • The founder of Facebook is a young man not much older than you and me ( that is if you are around the (new) age of 22. (sleaze)
  • Microsoft bought just over 1% of the website for $240 million! (youtube syndrome)
  • Facebook uses a program that monitors your every move and alerts your friends of your actions (who you commented to, what clubs you're in, what you're wearing/reading/ doing/ thinking/eating/learning/driving/boycotting/following)
    • this program was so intrusive that Facebook was legally forced to tone it down to protect they privacy of its patrons
  • Every club you join on Facebook classifies you to corporations the same way your Safeway Club Card does. (sneaky)
  • Adults are currently the fastest growing group joining Facebook (creepy).
Every social networking site will ultimately sell out to some corporation that will capitalize on your likes and dislikes, music choices, and favorite movies listed on your profile. Young kids are the new savvy entrepreneurs and their franken-websites are solidifying the internet as the new landscape for economic opportunity. Facebook/myspace/youtube are all capitolizing on the unique and organic ideas of the individual.

I'm praying that teleporting will be the next big thing.

The punk founder of fake(ass)book was on 60 minutes and was 'grilled' on the workings of his company. The buzz behind other media outlets like facebook (myspace/youtube) are so astonishing to analystis because companies are racing to buy these sites before they are even established on the actual market. ( facebook has yet to publish release any $$ gained.. as the same for youtube) although it can be easily inferred that sites like this will be forever popular, considerin they have upwards of 100million users. Programs like this are the future of the economy. If Microsoft is interested in owning as little as 1% of Facebook, than others will soon follow suit.

this clip captures the zest of Facebook. Its creepy program Beacon and how it will change the economy.:::: Watch and learn:::::::::

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