14 October 2009

Culture Feedbox: A Series.

1. Everything Kanye seems to be getting the ax.

 The Yeezy clothing line Pastelle changed its name once to Past Tell, and has now changed again to simply: 86'd. Supposedly, Kanye will release a clothing line under the name Kanye, but until then, we all must wallow in the world that is Post-Yeezy, or should i say, void of Yeezy.

2. N.E.R.D copies Blake Eyed Peas

A Chick will be joining the line-up. Not a bad route, if it wasn't done already. Hopefully Pharell will choose a better tranny than Will.i.Am. Now we can all wait to see the new and improved N.E.R.D.  in ad's for Best Buy and Target.


3. Obama comes to the Yay Area!

Chaching! He'll be visiting his liberal cash cow and shutting it down! I'm sure downtown will literally be shut down while in the Sco. He'll be hosting a fundraiser at the St. Francis on Thursday. Sure to be a shit show.

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