20 January 2009

A Look back: 2000-2008

Its election night. I'm 14, and I lie in bed listening to the debacle that was the Florida chad. I do believe that, as a nation, we had hope for Al Gore, he was the VP for 8 years giving, him enough street cred to red carpet his way into the oval office himself, but he couldn't seal the deal.

I am 14 years old, living in Oakland with my Mom. Oaktown is alive and kicking outside: crackhead begging for help, the Walgreens alarm a buzz, and as I drift into my nocturnal state, with the news on in the background, I think to myself, "Silver lining: at least next time around, I'll have something to say about this.

I turn 18, but forget to register to vote - which means I didn't vote in the CA Governor scheme. After watching the documentary "Enron: the smartest guys in the room" I was infuriated with the results: fuckin Red-Tie-Terminator replaces Gray Davis in Sacramento.

I'm waiting for the 71-Haight on Haight St. and Cole and I get solicited to sign a petition. I don't end up signing the petition, but do register to vote. At the time, Howard Dean was the front runner of the Democratic team until he released that blood curdling "HOOYEAAHHHH" at one of his rallies, and then Deanster was done. John Kerry then emerged, but he had no spark, no charisma, just a history in the Senate, a Purple Heart, a sugar mama, and a long horse-like face. This made me feel awkward: its my first election and I'm uninspired! On one hand, I desperately hated G.Bush and his cocky yet absent minded approach to leadership, and would love nothing more but for him to join Osama in a Afghan cave. However, Kerry did not embody many of my ideals or characteristics I care for in a person let alone a leader. The conventions were held in likely cities: Blue = Boston (which was Kerry's hometown, and I had just visited Boston - and hated it), and Red = New York (had to give kudo's to the then, savvy Repub's - going to the most liberal and diverse city in America). It was too reminiscent of 2000: the jauggernut Republican smear campaigns taking charge, paired with sloth like Democratic response and colma-like charisma. Democrats were lookin sloppy.

However, there were a few bonus' that came of the 2004 election. Democrats began to take control of the Senate, and there was one newcomer from the MidWest that seemed to sparkle.

As I lay to sleep on that election night I thought, "Silver lining: Bush won a second term for a reason, and that his name MUST be smeared to the high, high heavens by the end of it."

Hurricane Katrina hits, and the South is a mess. Blatant racism is spread all over the news coverage and governmental response to the areas in need. I am totally disgusted. Upon watching a morning news program, one man voices my exact thoughts on the situation: Barack Obama.

Dem's take control of the Sentate.

Barack Obama is now a Presidential hopeful. He gracefully danced around the question until he bashfully admitted to 'considering the possibility to run.' Its November and I receive an email from SFSU, Barack Obama will be speaking at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. I hustle a couple friends and we we purchase tickets at a "suggested donation price" of $15. I'm wearing my new black flats with a gold chain on the front, my feet are killing me.

The email said that the event started at 6pm, and that bags were not allowed. I shove my wallet, keys, cell phone, lip chap, and camera into my pockets and away we go. We show up before 5pm and the line is already around the first corner. By 5:30 they begin to let people in - probably because the end of the line almost caught up with the beginning. I have our tickets in my hand, eager to be taken, but they weren't even checked. I started to realize the art of the Obama fundraising hustle. Tony Snow takes the stage - he is fine! Dusty Baker even speaks - he's a Bay legend! Sly and the Family Stone is blasting in the background and I realize that the venue is packed! Finally, in true diva fashion, Obama finally takes the stage 3.5 hours later. On stage, he sparked with charisma. His words melting into my heart, and dancing in my ears. My feet no longer throb.

I remember him emphasizing Gay rights. I was caught in the moment, drooling at his political perfection, and I take a look around and stop at a lesbian couple locking hands and crying. Listening to him preach about Gay rights was very moving, but I wondered if he shared this aspect of his platform at every rally, or was he only sharing this vision with SF? For some reason I found it unsettling. Were we being sold a bill of goods that could never be redeemed? I began to feel a big taken advantage of, and I feared that he was only campaigning instead of speaking from the heart, like I saw him speak about Katrina. Ultimately, I was honored to be within 15 feet of the future, and sought comfort in the idea that there was someone, a politician, that I could believe in.

The cat is out of the bag Obama's in the race, he's kicking ass, and the gloves are officially off. We all know the story of this spectacular year - ultimately, my say was finally heard.

Now its officially 1am. Obama will be sworn into office today, and this country will finally be washed of the Bush tattoo on our foreheads. Hopefully the N.American community will be united and vindicated through the leadership of Barack Obama.

For almost ten years I have felt helpless as a citizen; trapped by the pathetic, selfish and failing legislation of George W. Bush. I was born in the Reagan era, raised in the Clinton era, I grew up in the Bush era, and now I am proud to say that I will live in the Obama era. I wish my mom could have enjoied this victory with me, but I look forward to sharing the results of the Obama years with my kids.

Life is good.

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