02 November 2010

My favorite holiday.

Dia de los Muertos. A holiday, of sorts, that celebrates those who have passed. Death is apart of life, and everyone has a different way of dealing with it. I have found that the Day of the Dead practices are a departure from the sadness that normally surrounds death. Instead, you make an altar, fill it with pictures of those who you have lost and then put their favorite items on the altar. Traditionally in Mexico, flowers, fruit and bread of all forms are included. More specifically: Marigolds, pomegranates/oranges, and pan de muerte. You can put anything on the altar that was once enjoined by those lost. For my mother, I always try to include a cerveza and cigarettes - classy.
On November 1st and 2nd the spirits will visit you thanks to your altar, be aware, because the shadows created by the candles can take shape and send messages...

Most images were taken by me, in Mexico. 2009.

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