13 April 2010

Atmospheric: the AM edition.

I look up in the sky for perspective on life. It might have started with my Mom. She was a fan of finding shapes in clouds. A fish, a firetruck, an ice cream cone. During the day I am taken by the clouds; they are always on the run, rushing from low pressure cells, to high pressure cells. The Bay Area is accustomed to the low lying fog, which is majestic in its own right, but there is something amazing about a storm cloud and its tall superman stature. Much like myself, clouds wear their heart on their sleeve; they tell you when they're busy and in a rush, or angry and about to cry, or when they're content and smiling with sunlight. When there is a break in the sky and golden rays of sun part the marshmallow-clouds, it makes me believe there is something special beyond the visible, beyond the moment. So when you're feeling cloudy, just tilt your head up and stare at the sky, and let the clouds sweep away the problems plaguing your day, because in the end, you're nothing but a spec in this universe.

Sept./Oct. 2009, Mexico.

Today, in North Beach

The past few weeks, outside of my house.


Julian, the Desaparecido said...

Beautiful post. Its the simple things...

MellyG said...

Yes simple, but also overlooked and underrated. The sky and climate is an aspect of life that is uncontrollable by humans, which only adds to its mystique.